As I look out the window this morning to see tall cedars, douglas firs, and maple trees waving in the wind with rain as the atmospheric texture, I am thinking Fall has officially crept through the door of summer. Dang. I will miss the long light evenings for more party time outside. Change is inevitable. Thank God for that because I’ve been enjoying painting canoes from the Canoe Journey this last summer. It’s been productive to step aside from painting horses and explore colors and forms of canoes.
Just a few days before culminating in Nisqually, we had the honor of being present at the House of Awakened Culture festivities including seeing 72 canoes on the grass in Suquamish. Apparently, on the second evening, and when many were gathered inside sharing, there was one canoe who was on its way but hadn’t arrived yet – after dark! The search party paddled out, found them, and brought them into safety. GPS batteries must have run out. I’m thinking that was a long night.
So the title of this post, Prints, is relevant here because I now have prints available of my recent canoe paintings. And the above paragraphs are an important part of the story behind the artwork. If you are interested, email me.
Looking South print size 19″ x 11.5″, $180.00, unframed.
Suquamish Welcoming print size 8.5″ x 10″ , $80.00, unframed.